Frequently Asked Questions
I see you write a lot for magazines and newspapers. What other genres do you enjoy writing and publishing?
I enjoy writing in a variety of genres. I've published some poetry, short stories, childrens fiction, and photography.
What are your favorite genres and authors to read?
My reading preferences depend on my mood. I seem drawn to biographies, romances, and childrens or YA the most frequently. As for authors, some of my favorites are Nora Roberts, Edgar Alan Poe, Shakespeare, Tennyson, Charles Dickens, Dr. Seuss, J.K. Rowling, and Lewis Carroll.
What do you do when you have writer's block?
Exercise, read a book, watch a good movie, listen to great music, travel – anything that gets me away from the work and relaxed. Then I can return with a fresh mind and renewed energy.
What is your writing process like?
I don’t have a set goal or defined process. I adapt based on my schedule. I'm a wife and mom who also volunteers with several organizations. I also teach both high school and college classes, and coach multiple UIL events. So, I write when I make time.
When working on your current MS did you complete an outline first or did you just start writing?
I never preplan. I always start out with an idea, scene, or emotion and write until I can’t go anymore. When I run out of steam, I take a break and then write out an outline or sets of goals for the story and its characters.
What are your thoughts on self-publishing? How does it compare with traditional publishing?
Aren’t most of us self-published since we keep a blog, or other social media? ;-) Seriously though, self-publication is very enticing. You’re not facing the rejection of an agent or editor; you have more control over your finished product, you choose the price and have an extremely shorter wait period to publication. However, I still prefer “Traditional” publishing for a number of reasons. I want someone else to feel it’s good enough to publish, I want someone else to help edit it (I don’t think many of us are capable of effectively editing ourselves, no matter how good we are at editing others) and I don’t want to have to worry about the hassle of the printing. Either way, authors should be prepared to do their own marketing.
What is your goal as a writer?
My main goal is to keep learning and trying new things. To me, that is success.
Are there any tips you would like to share with new writers?
Read and write every day. Read a variety of genres, read books on the craft, read blogs of other authors. There is a multitude of information and contradictory advice out there. Weed through and find what works for you. Our minds don’t work the same and we all have different interests and strengths. Be willing to learn and find your own process for success.